Monday, August 23, 2010

More on the early Tribes and the Annunaki

The Tribe of Dann - The Red Haired RaceCopyright 2004-5 Mary SutherlandTHE DANAAN

The Creation of the Shepherd Kings
The notion of the serpent as evil  came into our consciousness during the early Christian era. Prior to this, the biblical serpent
was often connected with godly knowlege,  healing and immortality. The Hebrew word for the creature who tempted Eve is
"nahash" which literally means "he who solves secrets."

The Anunnaki came to earth for the purpose of colonization and mining. Through their advanced knowledge of genetics, they
created a slave race.  To watch over their 'herd' of slaves, they created a hybrid group of 'shepherd kings'. These 'hybrids'
enjoyed the protection of the gods in exchange for their services and loyalty. Being at least 75 per cent Anunnaki, Caine was the
first in the Shepherd Kingship line. The line of Cain went on to produce what we know today as the 'blue blood' lineage, always
interbreeding within the Anunnaki families in order to maintain the purity of the hybrid blood status.

The serpent bloodline interbred with Nordics, who carried the blonde and blue eyed traits.  These Nordic features are for some
reason very desirable to the Serpent cultures and as legend goes ' to be descended from Noah' is a code for the illumanati

The Tyrrhenians were an offshoot of the Atlanteans, of whom the  Tyrrhenian Sea was named. They eventually split , branching
off to become the Etruscans and the Carians,who are more commonly known as the Phoenicians.  The Eus-Cara became the
Basques of Spain and the Taurkes became the Tauraks who settled North Africa bringing with them the Atlantean knowlede.
The Taureg people of North Africa  have allowed some visitors to see their ancient cavern systems in the Ahaggar Mountains
where they have murals of their Atlantean ancestors holding snakes and swords with tridents on the blades.  The Tuaregs also
perform a dance in honour of the Atlantean fire god, Voltan or Votan, Colonizing Greece were the Pelasgians who worshipped a
serpent goddess called Athene or Neith who was depicted as a serpent or goddess covered by snakes.  They  first landed on
the Pelopnnese in Greece and settled in Arcadia. It was the "Athenians" who went to war with their cousin  Atlanteans prior to the

The  Tibetan  
Dzyan documents a system of underground tunnels the ancient Atlanteans built that  encircled the entire planet.  
The western tunnel network had its beginning under the Atacama Desert in Chile running in the direction of Tiahuanaco - Cuzco
- Mount Shasta - Grand Tetons, under the American mainland and the Atlantic ocean towards the Atlas mountain range in
western Africa and then under Ahaggar/Tibesti mountain ranges towards their final station at  the Giza pyramids. One important
center was under the Mato Grosso region in Brazil, where Agartha had a strong connection with the  Atlantean cities on the
surface. The Himalayan network was of extraordinary importance. Here an underground civillization was developed as a mirror
of an Atlantean colony that  existed on the surface in the area of contemporary Gobi desert. Of course then it was no desert, but a
subtropical paradise. The Himalayan network had its souce under the Gobi Desert where it expanded under the Takla Makan
Desert and then onwards under the Pamirs, Altai, Karakorum, Baltistan, Kunluns and the Chang Tang plateau towards the

A group of Dananns (Dann) settled in Asia Minor (now Turkey), Greece and the islands of Aegean. (On my site, you will find that thirty six underground cities have been discovered so far  in  Cappadocia with some
going down eight levels.  Some of these cities can hold a population of thousands. The ventiliation system are so efficient that
even eight floors below the surface  the air is still fresh. Thirty vast underground cities and tunnel complexs have also been
found near Derinkuya in Turkey).

The name Danaan is derived from their worship of the moon goddess, Diana (Dana). The  Island of Rhodes,was the home of
the Danaan brotherhood of initiates and magicians known as the Telchines. According to the Greek historian Diodorus, these
initiates had the ability to heal, change the weather, and 'shape-shift' into any form. (The name Rhodes, which is connect to the
German "Rot", meaning red, as with Rothschild (Red-Shield) became a code name for the bloodlines. Malta , too, was was an
important center in 3500 B.C. and the home of a major Mystery School. Under Malta is a vast network of tunnels and megalithic
temples where secret rituals took place and still do today. Malta's original name was Lato, named after Mother Lato, the serpent
goddess.  The Knights Templar secret society was formed in the late 11th century to protect the reptilian bloodline or 'Le Serpent
rouge ' the red serpent or serpent blood, together with their associated order, the highly secretive Priory of Sion.

The Danaans also settled on Cyprus, known during ancient times as "La-Dan" or the "Isle of Dan".  There is little doubt that the
"Isle of Man" in the Irish Sea, a place so important to the Druids, was a Danaan settlement. The Tauras Mountains in Turkey, the
Baleric Islands and Syria  were also Danaan settlements. After arriving in the British Isles, they became known as the "Tuatha
de Danaan". According to Sir Laurence Gardener " Sumaire" in the old Irish language means Dragon. He further believes that  
the subsequent culture of the region, phoenically called Sumerian (pronounced "Shumerian") was actually Sidhemurian
(Shee-murian) . This case is now considerable since the early Ring Lords of Scythia (the Tuatha De Danaan king tribe) were
actually called the 'Sumaire'.

The female Amazons were a branch of the Hesperides or Hespera, a name for Atlantis. They, too, followed the goddess Athene
or Nieth and venerated her symbol, the double-headed axe. They built  shrines to the goddess in many places, including the
famous centre for Diana worship at Ephesus and other locations along the Turkish coast.

Rhesus Negative Blood and the Annunaki

This is a line of research a friend of mine has been following, but I haven't had time until once again, my own line of research has led me to her info all by itself lol - I believe this is called synchronicity......

So. We have discussed many times what could have been the "mark" of Cain that all men should recognise for ever.  We thought it could have been black skin, but reading a few links here, I now wonder if it may not have been red hair?

Now, here is another theory that I rather like:  People that carry the Rhesus Negative factor in their blood may have different ancestry to the rest of us here on Earth, and it's looking damn good for that ancestry to be of the alien variety.  I quote:

"No one has tried to explain where the Rh negative people came from. Most, familiar with blood factors, admit that these people must at least be a mutation if not descendants of a different ancestor. If we are a mutation, what caused the mutation? Why does it continue with the exact characteristics? Why does it so violently reject the Rh factor, if it was in their own ancestry? Who was this ancestor?

Who indeed?  I follow with the full article, thanks to:

RH-Negative Blood and the Reptilian Connection
Compiled by Dee Finney
The following is presented for research purposes
The files were not edited in any way
October, 1976 
Page 46
[This page is updated below]

B L O O D   O F   T H E   G O D S

Are you an Rh Negative blood type? If so you could be a
decendent of the ancient astronauts themselves!

About a year and a half ago my sister Bonnie and I were discussing some of the unusual characteristics of our family. Bonnie had a problem with infants haemolytic disease. She has 0 negative blood. She has written a book including this problem called "The Deux" by Venus Thaddeus. One of the questions we asked was why does this haemolytic disease occur? Why, along with the Rh negative blood does our family have such a high IQ (135-140 average). Why so many psychic experiences? Why this urge to ask "why?" Why the early maturity or the large head and eyes? Why have, we always felt we were "different" from other people. And so many other things to set us apart.

We were raised in the church, but we never received answers to the questions we asked. Why doesn't anyone else ask these same questions? We are not satisfied with the answer "just because". Are there others out there who ask the same questions? Then we heard about the possibility of the ancient astronauts and the pieces started to fall into place.

For the past decade many people have been working to prove that the earth has been visited by extraterrestrial beings. Who are these visitors? Why did they come? Why did they leave? Did they leave?

If earth was visited in the ancient past, are there any descendants of these visitors? If all mankind are not descendants of these visitors, which ones are? Who are the "Children of Israel?" Why was their seed blessed? Why were they told not to inter-marry with other people and to circumcise their sons for identification? Why were they told to preserve their geneology? Where did Adam and Eve's sons go to get their wives, if they were the only "humans" on earth?

Many scientists believe that modern man evolved from ape-like primates. They have much proof to back up their theories, including modern blood analysis and comparative studies between modern man and lower anthripoids, such as the chimpanzee and the Rhesus monkey.

It has been proven that the majority of mankind (85%) has a blood factor common with the rhesus monkey. This is called rhesus positive blood. Usually shortened to Rh positive. This factor is completely independent from the A, B, 0 blood types.

In the study of genetics, we find that we can only inherit what our ancestors had except in the case of mutation. We can have any of numerous combinations of traits inherited from all our ancestors. Nothing more and nothing less. Therefore, if man and ape evolved from a common ancestor, their blood would have evolved the same way. Blood factors are transmitted with much more exactitude than any other characteristic. It would seem that modern man and rhesus monkey may have had a common ancestor sometime in the ancient past. All other earthly primates also have this Rh factor. But this leaves out the people who are Rh negative. If all mankind evolved from the same ancestor their blood would be compatible. Where did the Rh negatives come from? If they are not the descendants of prehistoric man, could they be the descendants of the ancient astronauts?

All animals and other living creatures known to man can breed with any other of their species. Relative size and color makes no difference. Why does infant's haemolytic disease occur in humans if all humans are the same species? Haemolytic disease is the allergic reaction that occurs when an Rh negative mother is carrying a Rh positive child. Her blood builds up antibodies to destroy an ALIEN substance (the same way it would a virus), thereby destroying the infant. Why would a mother's body reject her own offspring? Nowhere else in nature does this occur naturally. This same problem does occur in mules - a cross between a horse and donkey. This fact alone points to the distinct possibility of a cross-breeding between two similar but genetically different species.

The Basque people of Spain and France have the highest percentage of Rh negative blood. About 30% have (rr) Rh negative and about 60% carry one (r) negative gene. The average among most people is only 157%-Rh negative, while some groups have very little. The Oriental Jews of Israel, also have a high percent Rh negative, although most other Oriental people have only about 1% Rh negative. The Samaritans and the Black Cochin Jew also have a high percentage of Rh negative blood, although again the Rh negative blood is rare among most black people.

Could the Basque people be one of these colonies? Or could it have been the original colony on earth? The origin of the Basques is unknown. Their language is unlike any other European language. Some believe that Basque was the original language of the book of Genesis. Some believe it was the original language of the world and possibly of the creator.

Genesis 6:2 "The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and took them wives, all of which they chose." Who were the children of these marriages? Genesis 6:4 "God came into the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, and the same became mighty of old." From the King James Bible dictionary we find: "menchildren - men of Israel, male children of God, not children of man - Ex. 34:23." Ex. 34:7 states "The iniquity of the father will be unto the children unto the fourth generation." It is plain that something is inherited, could it be the blood?

Blood is mentioned more often than any other word in the Bible, except God. These two words you will find on almost every page, blood and God! (The blood of the Gods?) This message has been written for thousands of years. There is a connection between the blood and the Gods.

The American Indians had the tradition of making good friends, "blood brothers", if they thought they were worthy. Could this tradition have been for a reason? Could they have actually been checking to see if they were blood brothers (the same type blood)? The clumping (aggulation) that occurs when Rh positive and Rh negative blood are mixed is visible to the naked eye. Could they have been told, by their ancestors, that their blood was different from that of the rest of mankind except for their brothers and sisters, from other tribes, scattered throughout the earth. Indian tradition declares that their ancestors were of cosmic origin. The Indian totem pole is actually a family genealogy.

Why all this preoccupation with genealogy among different people scattered throughout the earth? No other animal on earth has this preoccupation with ancestry. Where did this tradition come from? People scattered throughout the earth, who have had no-known contact with each other all simultaneously got the urge to chart their family tree. Why? How important could this have been to primitive cave men? Struggling to survive, to chart their genealogy? They had no understanding of modern genetics and inheritance. So why should they preserve their genealogy? Were they told, by the ancient astronauts, to preserve their heritage, until a future date when they would return and it would be understood? Until a time, like now, when their descendent would be able to understand the message they were leaving.

Although they probably didn't realize the importance of preserving their genealogy, they were told that future generations would understand. Are we that future generation? Was there a message left for us to understand? Do we have the courage to look for the answer?

Do we really want to know or would we rather keep our heads buried in the sand? What we don't know will still affect us. You will not see unless you look. Only through knowledge will we find truth.

I have searched, in vain, for scientific proof that the Rh negative blood was a natural earthly occurrence. Instead I have found proof that the Rh negative had not evolved on earth in the natural course of events.

For many years people have been searching for the wrong thing. Could the true "missing link" actually be man himself? The unknown link between earth and the stars - hybrid man. Man may be the missing link between primate and extraterrestrial. It seems inconceivable to me that those working on the evolution theory have overlooked this possibility. How can they state, that these people are lacking a factor contained in all other earthly primates, including the naked ape, and not ask why? What other characteristics are common among these people that are uncommon to other people? Is there a real difference other than just a different blood?

A very good comparative study between man and the primates can be found in Max Flindt's book "Mankind, Child of the Stars," Fawcett publisher, Books 1 and 2. He has documented many of the characteristics we may have received from our cosmic ancestors. It does show quite conclusively that mankind is a hybrid between our cosmic ancestor and our earth ancestor. I have merely carried this idea to its logical conclusion. If mankind is a hybrid descendant of the ancient' astronauts, surely there would be some, appearing periodically, who would be genetically very similar to them. Would this not include their psychic powers? Could the great sleeping prophet, Edgar Cayce, have been one of these? Could Jesus Christ also have been one of these? A true descendant of the ancient astronauts. If he was a true genetic duplicate of them he would also have their powers and possibly their knowledge. I cannot say whether he was born with this knowledge or whether he established psychic communication with our cosmic family, but it is plain that he had powers far beyond those of mortal man. Could he have been an example of what the ancient astronauts were like? Jesus stated that the Father and him were one. Could he have actually meant that literally? He may have been an exact duplicate of his (our) ancient Father. He may have even been a clone of the cosmonauts. Everyone knows the story of his virgin birth and the heavenly intervention. Could this have been implanting a clone into Mary's sterilized egg? Could the whole egg have actually been an implant?

The Rh negative blood, which appears not to have originated on earth, may prove to be a major factor in proving mankind is a hybrid. It is not the whole answer but it is a key for unlocking the genetic puzzle of our heritage. Tissue factors will also prove to be quite revealing. Scientists are now able to determine the tissue factors of 5000 year old mummies. Could some of these mummies have been the ancient astronauts? Why were these mummies preserved well enough for us to analyze their blood and tissue factors? Could there be a message in the genetic factors of the mummies themselves?

There is an interesting fact found in the book "X-Raying the Pharaohs" by James Harris and Kent Weeks, 1973 (Scribners). Upon x-raying the tomb of Makare, high priestess of Ammon, it was found that the infant buried with her labeled Prince Moutenihet was actually a female hamadryas baboon. An examination of Makare showed she had given birth shortly before dying. Could she have given birth to the baboon found with her? Why else would it have been buried with her? A genetic throwback?

My research has shown that the majority of those with psychic powers also have Rh negative blood. Most psyphic and faith healers also have this blood. Strangely enough, many of those doing research into the ancient astronaut theory and other phenomena also have Rh negative blood.

Erich von Daniken has Rh negative blood and a thirst for the truth. Brad Steiger also has Rh negative blood. His new book "Gods of Aquarius" considers this possibility. Robert Antone Wilson, author of "Illuminus", also has this blood. There are many others too numerous to list here.

Why is there such a large percentage of negative in these unusual fields? Could we have a vague memory of what we are looking for? It has been said that a question is not asked until the answer is known.

There are about 5000 known blood factors and all of these must contribute to the complete picture. But the Rh negative blood is the place to start our search.

A comparative analysis is now being done and we need your help. If you are reading this, you must be one of the lost children of Israel. Anyone else would not have read this far.
copyright 1976, all rights reserved)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Whooping Cough Strain Now Immune to Vaccine!

"The bacteria that causes whooping cough has mutated, eroding the protection provided by the vaccine now given to children, scientists warned yesterday."

Agm-158 JASSM Air Force Navy Missile Test Video

This is a clip of the testing of a missile launched from a plane.  The missiles look just like a small plane..........

Y'know, if I was at Ground Zero and looked up and saw this coming, then crashing into the Twins - I would swear I had seen a small unmarked plane with no windows...........oh wait, that's exactly what the eye witnesses said!!! 

And, as for what it was that went into the Pentagon, well.... need i say more?? INSIDE JOB WITHOUT A DOUBT!!



Adams Calendar in Africa

‎I did some research a couple of months ago regarding the Yorumba Tribe of Africa, and their ancient links to the Annunaki and how this area even predates civilisation in Sumaria.....

"An ancient road structure that is still visible for hundreds of
kilometres once connected most or all of these ruins. It becomes evident
that this was no accidental settlement but a well planned and evolved
civilisation that were mining gold and had some means of transport.
Extended agricultural terraces are spread large areas, often
resembling scenes from the Inca settlements in Peru. This would suggest
that these people had a good knowledge of agriculture and planted
produce extensively."



Follow the money......BP + Nalco + Blackstone = $

Everyone says to always "follow the money", well, hows this then:

Material Safety Data Sheet on Corexit 9500.

ADHD finally linked to Organophosphates

 Finally, the science has caught up with what all of us in the Horticulture Industry have known for years.  And this is not the only health link from these poisons either, many other conditions are now coming to light as being caused by chemical exposure, Rheumatoid Arthritis being just one!

Australia's Secret Base at Pine Gap

‎"Some say that Pine Gap has an enormous nuclear generator to supply
energy to a new type of transceiver. It seems too that there is a  high-powered,
high-voltage plasma accelerator which may be put to use to transmit
electric current, or even to produce a 'death-ray', or quite simply to feed a
plasma gun. All this is not as incredible as it sounds: it is now known
that the US base of West Cape, near Exmouth Gulf in Western Australia
(Harold E. Holt USN Communication Station), has an older type of the transceiver used at Pine Gap which is used to send electric current to submerged US submarines who trail a wire antenna. It is known that electric currents
transmitted in this way are referred to as plasmo-dynamic cells."


 Pine Gap: Australia and the Us Geostationary Signals Intelligence Satellite Program

More Monsanto Lies Exposed!

‎"The ecological time-bomb that came with the GMO according to Ho, is about
to explode. Over several years of constant application of patented
glyphosate herbicides such as Monsanto’s famous and highly Roundup, new
herbicide-resistant “super-weeds” have evolved, nature’s response to attempts to violate it. The super-weeds require significantly more not less herbicide to control.
ABC Television, a major US national network, made a recent documentary
about the super-weeds under the rubric, “super weeds that can’t be
They interviewed farmers and scientists across Arkansas who described fields
overrun with giant pigweed plants that can withstand as much glyphosate
as farmers are able to spray. They interviewed one farmer who spent
almost €400000 in only three months in a failed attempt to kill the new

The Swiss, Prince Charles and Monsanto Deliberate over Acceptance of GMOs: An article from: Food & Drink Weekly

Freedom Quote.....

"Better to dwell in freedom's hall, 

With a cold damp floor and mouldering wall, 

Than bow the head and bend the knee 

In the proudest palace of slaverie." 

~ Thomas Moore

Monday, August 16, 2010

Prime Time News for 9/11 Truth

 Finally, Canada leads the way with main stream media giving prime time to "Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth" and their demand for a new investigation into how the 3 World Trade Centre buildings all collapsed at freefall speeds....

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Scuba Diving in the Gulf Oil Spill

This just makes you want to cry......a scientist who has been studying the coral and diving in the Gulf for years takes us on a scuba dive to see just what is in the water now....

Deet Mosquito Repellent is Neurotoxic

(NaturalNews) New research shows that the insect-repelling chemical deet actually functions in the same way as deadly nerve gases and dangerous pesticides, by attacking the nervous systems of both insects and mammals.
"These findings question the safety of deet, particularly in combination with other chemicals," said researcher Vincent Corbel of Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement in Montpellier.
The chemical known as deet (for N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide) is found in nearly every commonly used mosquito repellent in the world, and eight billion doses have been applied since its introduction to the consumer market in 1957. The chemical was originally developed as an insect repellent by the U.S. Army in 1946, following experience with jungle warfare in World War II.

Deet's popularity comes largely from its effectiveness in repelling a variety of medically significant insects over longer periods of time than more natural repellents (such as certain vegetable-based oils), and the fact that it can be incorporated into sprays, liquids or lotions. Yet although researchers have long insisted that the chemical is safe, they still recommend that consumers use the minimum amount of repellent necessary to cover exposed skin or clothing, and that deet repellents not be applied directly to any irritated or injured skin. While the United States allows the sale of 100 percent deet repellents, many other countries limit maximum concentrations of the chemical to 30 or 50 percent.

In spite of the chemical's long use, researchers are unsure exactly how deet functions to repel mosquitoes. It has long been believed to affect mosquito behavior without harming the insects, probably by interfering with their sense of smell and their ability to find human prey.

Yet the new study, published in the journal BioMed Central Biology, suggests that deet may function by interfering directly with insects' nervous systems.

"We've found that deet is not simply a behavior-modifying chemical but also inhibits the activity of a key central nervous system enzyme, acetylcholinesterase, in both insects and mammals," the researchers said.

In experiments performed in cockroaches and rats, the researchers found that deet blocked the action of the neurological enzyme acetylcholinesterase. This is the same mechanism that causes the toxic effects of popular carbamate and organophosphate pesticides, as well as chemical weapons such as sarin and VX nerve gas. This may mean that deet repellants are actually insecticides and could damage the human nervous system.

Organophosphates are among the pesticides most commonly implicated in pesticide poisoning worldwide, and are also a commonly used suicide method in agricultural areas. Like nerve gases, organophosphates irreversibly inactivate acetylcholinesterase, leading to excessive salivation and eye watering at low doses, and muscle spasms or death at higher doses. Although carbamates are not as toxic as organophosphates, their effects can be just as severe at high enough doses.

Strong evidence also links these pesticides to dangerous health effects caused by long-term exposure even at low doses.

Previous studies have implicated deet in causing seizures in children, but the current study is the first to uncover how the chemical acts directly on the nervous system.

The researchers also found that the effects of deet were enhanced when it was used in combination with organophosphates or carbamates, as in mixed repellent-insecticide products.

Bahie Abou-Donia of the Duke University Medical Center said that the new findings are consistent with previous research into the risks of deet.

"Deet is a good chemical for protection against insects," Abou-Donia said. "But prolonged exposure results in neurological damage, and this is enhanced by other chemicals and medications."

The researchers in the new study suggested that pregnant women and children under the age of six avoid using deet-containing mosquito repellents. Abou-Donia went farther, calling for such products to carry warning labels about deet's potential to cause neurological harm.

The Environmental Protection Agency has a review of deet's safety planned for 2012.

Sources for this story include:;;;

Credit for the article goes to:

I have done my own research, and the Australian product "OFF!" falls under this banner too.  I just checked - it contains 150grams per kilo - dammit I only bought it because I thought it was a low toxicity repellent.

More on the Swine Flu Hoax

Here in Australia the Government set up a "Swine Flu Hotline".

Patients were asked a few general questions (that could easily fit the normal seasonal flu).  Then, if they answered yes to "have you experienced coughing, sore throat, nasal congestion" etc, they were told they had swine flu!!

This is how the numbers of the "pandemic" (hah) were obtained!   I know who the "swines" in this case were, and I'm not talking about 4 legged pigs!

Swine flu drug hand-out service raises concerns

Page last updated at 23:05 GMT, Sunday, 4 July 2010 00:05 UK

By Nick Triggle
Health reporter, BBC News Man sneezing Swine flu was the first pandemic for 40 yearsJust 12% of patients who got anti-flu drugs using the swine flu hotline and website actually had the virus, figures obtained by the BBC suggest.

More than 1.1m people collected the drugs - which can cause side effects such as nausea - after being diagnosed by the National Pandemic Flu Service.

But figures obtained under a freedom of information request show that of 16,560 people swabbed, 1,932 tested positive.

The Patients Association said this raised questions about the system used.

The flu service was launched last July at the height of the pandemic. It was the first time that prescription drugs had been handed out en masse by the NHS without a patient having to consult a doctor.

Instead, people who felt ill were put through an electronic check-list. Those with swine flu symptoms were then given a voucher number to collect anti-viral drugs, which were used to relieve the illness.

The drugs - Relenza and Tamiflu - both caused a number of side-effects, including nausea and, in some cases, vomiting.
Continue reading the main story
It is always easy to say in hindsight, but we really do need to review this

Katherine Murphy Patients Association

Concerns were also voiced that over-use could have led to resistance - many other countries used them much more sparingly.

There was also a debate about how effective the drugs were.

The independent review of the flu strategy, which was published last week, called for a full evaluation of the flu service, admitting it was a controversial issue.

It cost £13.5m to set it up, although the bill for running it until it closed in February this year has never been published because of commercial sensitivity.

Katherine Murphy, of the Patients Association, said the findings suggested the government had "over-reacted".

"It is always easy to say in hindsight, but we really do need to review this. It is a low number and we have to bear this in mind when thinking about pandemic planning."

Dr Richard Vautrey, of the British Medical Association's GPs committee, agreed "lessons must be learned".

But he added: "It must be remembered the service played a valuable role relieving the pressure on the health service."

Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley said he was looking to change the funding system to tackle the issue.

He added: "Unnecessary emergency admissions create a burden on the NHS. We know that what matters most to patients is the outcome they get and their experience of the NHS - not simply how quickly they are seen."

Credit for this article goes to:

Corrupt Medical Research on Drugs

Never trust an expert!  Ever wondered why so much health advice is contradictory? It's because two-thirds of medical research is wrong or fraudulent

By David H Freedman

Last updated at 3:42 AM on 6th July 2010

Have you been left confused by expert health advice? Even people like me, with years of experience in science and medical journalism, are left scratching our heads when research is contradicted by other studies or turns out to be wrong.

In early 2008, new guidelines for life-saving emergency heart attack treatment said you should no longer bother with the 'mouth-to-mouth' part of CPR (­cardiopulmonary resuscitation). Instead, you should pump the chest non-stop.

Having got my Red Cross certificate some years ago, I wanted to know more - but discovered that while this change was endorsed by the European Resuscitation Council, the Red Cross still trains people to give mouth-to-mouth.
Scientist looking at liquid in test tubesTesting, testing: Medical research can often result in incorrect conclusions

So I asked Paul Schwerdt, a cardiac resuscitation expert who restarts hearts daily. He told me to forget about CPR, because even trained laypeople rarely do it well enough to make a difference.

He said the best thing is an Automated External Defibrillator - a portable, easy-to-use device that is increasingly available in public places.

I found an article that said it can raise the survival rate for people having heart attacks outside hospital from 1 per cent to 80 per cent. But then I read another study saying such devices don't increase survival compared with CPR.

Little wonder that 'expert' health research leaves many of us confused - and that includes medics, too.

John Ioannidis, a doctor specialising in infectious diseases who is also a medical research analyst, has looked at hundreds of studies and discovered that two in every three conclusions published in medical journals are later found to be wrong.

The problem is that those are the sorts of conclusion your doctor reads when deciding if it makes sense to prescribe an antibiotic for your child's ear infection, or if the benefits outweigh the risks in suggesting that middle-aged men take a small daily dose of aspirin.

The two-out-of-three wrongness rate Professor Ioannidis found could be worse: he examined only the less than one- tenth of 1 per cent of research that makes it to prestigious journals. So, what is going on?

Here are some of the reasons why experts get it so wrong:


The research community likes to say that the high-profile cases of fraud we see in the media - such as the South Korean researcher Woo Suk Hwang's fake claims to have cloned human stem cells in 2005 - are rare events.

Another notorious example was that of the cancer researcher William Summerlin, who won praise for achieving skin grafts on genetically incompatible black and white mice.

In fact, he had used a marker pen to blacken patches of fur on white mice. But research fraud appears to be rife.

In an anonymous survey of 3,200 medical researchers in the journal Nature, a third confessed to at least one fraudulent act or 'massaging' research results.

In a similar survey, half the research workers said they knew of studies that involved fraud.

The proportion that are caught is minuscule. What motivates such surprising levels of dishonesty?

The answer is simple: researchers need to keep on publishing impressive findings in scientific journals in order to keep their professional careers alive, and some seem unable to come up with them through honest work.


Highly respected scientists toss out data all the time. They pretty much have to. It would be hard to justify keeping 'findings' when a key piece of equipment is faulty or if patients in studies are caught not sticking to their drug or diet regimens.

The problem is that it's not always clear where to draw the line between data that is bad and data that the researcher just doesn't like.

Douglas Altman, who directs the Centre for Statistics in Medicine in Oxford, examined more than 100 drug studies, comparing raw data and published results.

He found that in most studies some data was left out - and more often than not it didn't fit the conclusions and might raise difficult questions.

The ultimate form of data cleansing is throwing away a whole study's worth of information by not submitting it for publication because the results aren't the ones hoped for.

Often, these 'lost' negative results are from studies funded by drug companies - if you are trying to get a medicine onto the market, you don't want to publish research that makes it look bad.

A study two years ago revealed that 23 out of 74 antidepressant trials were not published.

All but one had found the drugs to be more or less ineffective compared with a sugar pill placebo.

In contrast, all 37 positive studies were published.


The reason trials may prove untrustworthy is because they study the wrong people. A study might be virtuous about its results, except it was assessing a drug's effects on the wrong people - those who do not represent the patients who would need the drug.

Sometimes people in medical studies are particularly health conscious or unusually ill. Then there is the fact that many studies pay you to take part, which results in a high percentages of poor people, and sometimes alcoholics, drug misusers and the homeless. These sway the results.

Studies in the Nineties appeared to prove hormone replacement therapy (HRT) reduced the risk of heart disease by 50 per cent. Then a large study in 2002 seemed to prove HRT increased the heart disease risk by 29 per cent.

Why the huge discrepancy? It turned out the groups had significantly different balances of people: the first had relatively young women, the second older women, leading both to produce misleading results.


Sheer chance means that in a medical or psychological study, you will always see improvement in a group of people over time - a slight loss in excess weight, for instance.

That change needn't have anything to do with what is being tested, but the researcher can then claim it was due to whatever was being tested by writing up the study as if that change was what was being tested for.

'It's like throwing darts on a wall and then drawing a dartboard around them,' says Douglas Altman.

He has compared study proposals submitted by researchers with the published findings: 'We found the stated focus of research was different in more than half the cases.'

In other words, half the results were flukes that had been turned into alleged scientific fact.


In a notorious incident four years ago at Northwick Park Hospital, Middlesex, an experimental leukaemia drug was given to six volunteers.

They all quickly fell seriously ill. The drug had been safety-tested beforehand and passed with flying colours. But it had been safety- ested on animals, where it had shown no harmful effects, even at doses up to 500 times higher than those given to the volunteers.

Health research has become dependent on animals. Treatment breakthroughs you see in the media frequently turn out to be based on studies of mice. But often the results don't translate to humans.

Three-quarters of drugs fail human trials because of dangerous side-effects or simply failing to provide cures.

Adapted from Wrong: Why Experts Keep Failing Us And How To Know When Not To Trust Them by David H. Freedman (Little, Brown, £12.99). To order a copy (P&P free), call 0845 155 0720.

Good article isnt it - once again I'm being lazy by using others' work - but when that work is well written and researched and I give the credit where due - why not?

Great Musical Clip on the 9/11 Crash into the Pentagon.

On a lighter note, here is a great clip called"

Born To Be Lied To - 9/11 Musical  (performed to the music of Born to be Wild)

Funny, but just the same full of facts - with Flight 77 that supposedly crashed into the Pentagon - WHY was there virtually NO wreckage from this huge plane, only ONE CCTV camera caught any footage at all, WHYwasnt the plane shot down way before it reached the Pentagon, and HOW could a so-called Terrorist with only 2 days in a flight simulator manage to manoeuvre a huge plane travelling at huge speeds 3 inches off the ground into a building when experienced pilots have stated that it is virtually impossible to do and not crash into the ground!
Just thought I'd throw this quote in here as it got alot of response when I posted it on my FB true of what has been happening to myself lately.

"All Truth passes through three stages.

First it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed and third, it is accepted as
self-evident." - Arthur Schopenhauer German Philosopher,

One old friend in particular needs to take especial note of this with his constant denial of certain facts that to my mind are now beyond proof.  He also needs to do some work on his constant negativity,  superiority complex and arrogant behaviour - enough said he knows who he is.....

Plus, I have experienced the quote on the receiving end......Awhile ago I read a biography on our (then) Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard (Australia).  I had already done my own research on her, and discovered she is a member of the Fabian Society.   I quickly realised she had been placed precisely to plan, so I passed on my knowledge to anyone who would listen that she would very soon become our next Prime Minister.

Oh dear, the ridicule I received for this idea - at that stage our PM Kevin Rudd was much respected and loved, everyone I told called me an idiot for even conceiving the idea, many even vehemently opposed the very idea of a woman taking over - and I wont mention the many male reactions to her looks, dress sense or voice!

And now, after a bloodless but extremely emotional coup by Julia and other factions of the Australian Labour Party - Julia Gillard is now our new PM.  I have to say (I'm only human after all) that I have had my moments of gloating ha ha.

But now, many of those same people who laughed in my face have taken on her defence, say she's doing a great job etc etc.

Oh, the duality of the many astounds me!

Latest on the Gulf Oil Crisis

No doubt everyone is fully up to date on what the MSM (Main Stream Media) are feeding us about what is happening with the Oil Leak down in the Gulf.....

But the questions still arise:  why is BP giving all the orders?  Even the Coastguard are subservient to them, and local councils have not been receiving ANY cooperation from BP at all!  BP has also ignored the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) demand that the use of the dispersant Corexit be stopped immediately as its use is compounding the toxicity of the whole area.

Now we know there is a "No Fly Zone" over the whole area, and reporters and cameramen have been threatened with arrest if they stray outside the designated areas where they are set up with "photo opportunities" and workers are brought in to rake a beach etc.  Soon as the reporters leave - so too do the workers.  We know all this.

We dont know WHY??

Well, here is a series of clips that may answer that question.

Firstly, here is a Sea Shepherd plane breaking the no fly zone order and getting in really close.  You can see there is virtually NO clean up going on. Hardly a boat to be seen in the entire area!  Booms placed in random patterns that appear to be doing nothing whatsoever to aid the entrapment of the gushing oil.

Secondly, here is footage of lines of dumptrucks and bulldozers heading to the beaches (closely followed by a mysterious black SUV with darkly tinted windows). That in itself is not too sinister:

But wait, here is the next clip showing a reporter illegally on the beach, using his foot to drag a groove in the pristine white sand - and what???  just underneath the lovely white sand is obviously oil from the gulf   THAT HAS NOT BEEN CLEANED UP OR REMOVED!!

People are down there right now trying to get more footage to actually catch them bulldozing clean sand on top of the spilt oil - I myself noted in the footage you can quite plainly see tread/tracks marks obviously from heavy machinery there on the pristine white sand which he scrapes away!  So once again, we are being lied to and BP have some serious questions to answer!

And finally, here is a great article for you to read:

BP aware of cracks in oil well two months before explosion.

18 06 2010

“BP was aware of cracks appearing in the Macondo well as far back as February, right around the time Goldman Sachs and BP Chairman Tony Hayward were busy dumping their stocks in the company on the eve of the explosion that led to the oil spill, according to information uncovered by congressional investigators.

The Mining and Mineral Services agency released documents to Bloomberg indicating that BP “was trying to seal cracks in the well about 40 miles (64 kilometers) off the Louisiana coast,” according to the report.

The fissures, which BP began to attempt to fix on February 13, could have played a role in the disaster, though this is a question still being explored by investigators. Improperly sealed, the cracks cause explosive natural gas to rush up the shaft.

“The company attempted a “cement squeeze,” which involves pumping cement to seal the fissures, according to a well activity report. Over the following week the company made repeated attempts to plug cracks that were draining expensive drilling fluid, known as “mud,” into the surrounding rocks,” states the report.

As we previously highlighted, eyewitness evidence indicates that Deepwater Horizon managers knew that the BP oil rig had major problems before its explosion on April 20. A crew member who rescued burning workers on the rig told Houston attorney Tony Buzbee of a conversation between Deepwater Horizon installation manager Jimmy Harrell and someone in Houston. According to the witness, Harrell was screaming, “Are you fucking happy? Are you fucking happy? The rig’s on fire! I told you this was gonna happen.”

The fact that BP managers were aware of problems with the rig and were seemingly unconcerned about fixing them only lends more weight to the already startling indications of some having foreknowledge of the disaster.

As we highlighted last week, on page 37 of British Petroleum’s own investigative report into the oil spill, it is stated that the Hydraulic Control System on equipment designed to automatically seal the well in an emergency was modified without BP’s knowledge sometime before the explosion.

Highly suspicious stock and share trades by people connected to BP before the explosion indicate some extent of foreknowledge.

Goldman Sachs dumped 44% of its shares in BP Oil during the first quarter of 2010 – shares that subsequently lost 36 percent of their value, equating to $96 million. The current chairman of Goldman Sachs is Bilderberg luminary Peter Sutherland, who is also the former chairman of British Petroleum.

Furthermore, as reported by the London Telegraph on June 5th, Tony Hayward, the current BP CEO sold £1.4 million of his shares in the fuel giant weeks before the spill.

On April 12th, just over one week before the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded, Halliburton, the world’s second largest oilfield services corporation, surprised some by acquiring Boots & Coots, a relatively small but vastly experienced oil well control company.

Halliburton is named in the majority of some two dozen lawsuits filed since the explosion by Gulf Coast people and businesses who claim that the company is to blame for the disaster.

Halliburton was forced to admit in testimony at a congressional hearing last month that it carried out a cementing operation 20 hours before the Gulf of Mexico rig went up in flames. The lawsuits claim that four Halliburton workers stationed on the rig improperly capped the well.”

Credit for this blog goes to:

Chemtrails - Educate Yourself!

I have seen many compilation videos of the ongoing Chemtrail problems we are all experiencing, but this one is definitely the best to date!

It is presented as a slide show that goes through the whole process, even showing different planes with their different methods of dispersion.

My favourite slides are the different cloud formations they create (I have never seen comprehensive research like this done before) as I have been fascinated myself on the strange clouds I have been seeing in my local skies recently.

Enjoy - it's well worth the time:

Monday, June 14, 2010

Russian Scientist Silenced?

I have recently met the people who run "Omega Times" website , and its lovely and gratifying to meet more people who are interested, and research the same subjects as me.

Remember the "Norway Spiral" light in the sky?   The debate over what it could have been and the different scientific theories abounded in the days and weeks after it appeared.  Since then, we have even had our own "mini" spiral light here in Australia that hundreds of people witnessed and filmed.  Omega Times have a great article stating a Russian exchange scientist was killed after finding out some very damaging it is:

May 12, 2010

Murder Of Russian Scientist At US Weapons Lab Sparks 2012 Fears

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A most intriguing report prepared by the Foreign Military Intelligence Directorate of the Russian General Staff (GRU) on the killing of one of their “operatives” posted at a United States space weapon laboratory states that the death of Doctor-Scientist Maria Beloyvan [photo top left] last week was “directly attributed” to knowledge she had gained about the Americans “inter-dimensional space communication” programme and the potential dangers it holds for our Earth.

According to this report, Dr. Beloyvan, who was one of 45 guest scientists at the United States Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) particle accelerator complex located in Batavia, Illinois, was reported by American authorities to have been killed this Thursday past (May 6th) due to “traumatic injuries to her neck, chest and back caused by a fall” at this space weapon lab that they ruled almost immediately, and without investigation, was not the result of “foul play”.

This GRU report, however, paints a much grimmer picture of Dr. Beloyvan’s death stating that prior to her being killed she had cell phoned her intelligence “contact” at the Russian Consulate in New York from Fermilab stating that she had gained the “information requested” relating to the Americans “inter-dimensional space communication” programme and warned of its “shocking consequences”.

Dr. Beloyvan’s presence at Fermilab, this report continues, was due to the Americans “quantum” communication experiment conducted this past December that resulted in what is now known as the “Norway Spiral” [photo 2nd left] and that we had reported on in our December 10, 2009 report titled “Attack On Gods ‘Heaven’ Lights Up Norwegian Sky” and wherein we stated about this event:

“On Tuesday evening, December 8th, CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC), located in Switzerland, “smashed together subatomic particles at the highest energies ever reached by a human-made accelerator” which were then ‘quantumly’ transferred to the massive Partial Reflection Medium-Frequency (MF) Atmospheric Radar Facility located in Ramfjordmoen, Norway, operated by European Incoherent Scatter Facility (EISCAT) radar and ionospheric heating scientists who, in turn, work under the supervision of the American High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) that many call one the largest ‘weapons of mass destruction’ ever constructed.

Now upon this ‘quantumly’ transferred high-energy beam being received in Ramfjordmoen, it was then ‘pulsed’ vertically into the upper atmosphere above Norway at 2.43 MHz by their MF Radar antennas which resulted in a ‘spiral’ light display [photo top left] described by Britain’s Daily Mail News Service as:

“A blue light seemed to soar up from behind a mountain in the north of the country. It stopped mid-air, then began to move in circles. Within seconds a giant spiral had covered the entire sky. Then a green-blue beam of light shot out from its centre - lasting for ten to 12 minutes before disappearing completely. Onlookers describing it as 'like a big fireball that went around, with a great light around it' and 'a shooting star that spun around and around'.”

Following the Americans utilization of the CERN facility to conduct this experiment, and under great International pressure not to do so again, it was moved to the Fermilab complex, which is the World's second largest energy particle accelerator (CERN's Large Hadron Collider is 27 km in circumference).

Important to note about the American “inter-dimensional space communication” programme is the significance of what this report calls the “crop circle component” that both precedes and follows these “experiments”, which according to Dr. Beloyvan’s last report was “achieved again” after the successful “quantum transfer” from Fermilab’s particle accelerator to the United States Air Forces’ top secret X-37B space plane launched on April 23rd , and that was “answered” on May 5th with the sudden appearance of 2010’s first crop circle near Salisbury, Wiltshire (United Kingdom) depicting one of mankind’s most ancient images of a “winged messenger.” [Photo 3rd left]

To the full import of Dr. Beloyvan’s final report on these events it cannot be known as a little over 12 hours later, after the appearance of this “winged messenger” crop circle, she was brutally killed taking whatever secrets she did possess with her into the unknown.

What may be extrapolated though from what Dr. Beloyvan did report, and when combined with what else is known about these “experiments”, can, perhaps, be found in the giant crop circle [photo 4th left] that appeared 3 days ago (May 9th) near the ancient Stonehenge complex in Britain depicting an astrological lineup of our Solar Systems Planets along with their geo-magnetic fields as they will be on December 21, 2012.

To the greatest significance of all of these things, and with yet again the mysterious date of December 21, 2012 being linked with strange occurrences, it can be said that as our World is now being warned by scientists that we’re on the brink of a biological disaster due to the catastrophic loss of bees, and as the United Nations has just warned that our Earth’s natural support systems are on the verge of collapsing, and as vital plankton populations are reported disappearing from our oceans, the sighting of a gray whale off the coast of Israel this week that has stunned scientists because none have appeared there for hundreds of years, may be showing us all that the time to move is now.

To those that have failed, and will continue to fail listening to and seeing the ancient signs appearing in our times no hope can be given.  And to the reappearance upon our Earth of the ancient “gods” the Americans seem so intent upon establishing communication with the ancients also warned us not to do, but in these days when men have become like “gods” themselves the darkness as prophesized is sure to come much sooner than many will believe possible.

© May 12, 2010 EU and US all rights reserved

this full article was found at:

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Monsanto - the true Enemy!

I have personally had a hate relationship with Monsanto for about 20 years now.  I have worked in the horticulture industry and so understood just what it was that they were trying to do with their "Roundup Ready" and "Terminator Seeds" - all GMO (genetically modified organisms) or GE (genetically engineered) foods.

The following article is just the latest in the list of heinous crimes that Monsanto have perpetrated on the population of the Earth - which, in my opinion, are all in line with the NWOs' policy of eugenics (or the culling of the Earths' population).

This article can be found at:

“RoundUp” (R) Herbicide Not Deadly Enough: Monsanto’s New Version Contains 70% Agent Orange!

Natural Solutions Foundation

Take Action NOW!
Demand the right to self quarantine instead of either accepting the dangerous Swine Flu Vaccine. Click here,

Tell Congress to defeat all of the bills before Congress to industrialize food and complete the application of Codex to US food while taking away your right to access or grow clean, unadulterated food. Click here,

Toxic Danger Alert! Warning: Graphic Images.

‘Agent Orange.’ ‘Dioxin.’ The very words bring a shudder of horror – horror for the damage to our troops and their offspring that Monsanto’s (and Dow Chemical’s) chemical weapons inflicted on Americans, horror for the ecological devastation that the herbicide/defoliant inflicted on the ecosystem of South East Asia, from which recovery is far from certain over the next thousand years, horror for the devastation brought to the Vietnamese people, both friend and foe, whose lives – and deaths – have been so hideously distorted by US weaponry… and horror for the decades of denial and whitewash imposed by the US Government about its prior knowledge of the devastating effects of dioxin on the living and the unborn, on the biosphere and on life for untold generations to come. This ‘Prior knowledge’ is the very definition of a crime against humanity. The world looks with horror at the horror wrought by the US in Viet Nam because of its use of Agent Orange. And now, the very people who, along with Dow Chemical) brought us this horror half a world away are bringing it all back home.

Agent Orange is a mixture of 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D, manufactured by Monsanto. Our Foundation President, General Bert, is a Viet Nam vet whose Agent Orange exposure there has given him cancer 3 separate times- 3 separate, unrelated cancers – while the US Government denied any connection to any ongoing or sustained damage from Agent Orange, while the Veteran’s Administration, the FDA and the US Congress denied what they knew and allowed untold suffering and death. Finally, decades later, after many of the Agent Orange-injured service men and women were dead, they were forced to acknowledge that there is a strong relationship between Agent Orange and cancer, birth defects and a host of other deadly and life-damaging disorders and conditions.

Of course, one of our strong supporters tells me that when her Viet Nam vet husband and she had a tragically deformed Agent Orange baby who died soon after birth, the US Government quietly offered them a few thousand dollars in “compensation” for the Agent Orange-related death of their child. So while denying the connection, the Government was paying off those who, unlike the service men themselves, could sue and bring this matter into an open court, thus establishing their prior knowledge.

Birth Defect

This kind of behavior for Monsanto is nothing new. It appears that companies like Monsanto have been poisoning the planet for quite a long time. According to Monsanto Watch Factsheet, –
“The world’s center of PCB manufacturing was Monsanto’s plant on the outskirts of East St. Louis, Illinois, which has the highest rate of fetal death and immature births in the state. By 1982, nearby Times Beach, Missouri, was found to be so thoroughly contaminated with dioxin, a by-product of PCB manufacturing, that the government ordered it evacuated. Dioxins are endocrine and immune system disruptors, cause congenital birth defects, reproductive and developmental problems, and increase the incidence of cancer, heart disease and diabetes in laboratory animals.”

Stay With Me Here…

First, we need to talk about Nano Silver, the safest and most powerful anti-pathogen agent I have ever encountered. Nano Silver was approved by the EPA as a surface cleaner for hospitals, spas, restaurants, barber and beauty shops, daycare centers, etc., on the basis of its extraordinary effectiveness (killing every pathogen against which it was tired, whether bacterial, viral, mycoplasma, parasite or otherwise) and its total lack of toxic impact on the environment. Silver has a long and honorable history as a health aid since it is safe, effective, requires no storage and is really cheap compared to drugs, which are both dangerous and expensive. For that reason, the Natural Solutions Foundation recommends that you stock up on this “Swiss Army Knife for Your Medicine Chest”(TM) with the Nano silver product in which I place the most trust, Silver Biotics by American Biological Laboratories. This extraordinary product, which anyone can take, regardless of other health concerns or medications they are using – and which will NOT turn your skin blue!!! – is available at

Of course, BECAUSE it is safe, effective and puts no money into the coffers of its Big Pharma masters, the FDA has been on a silver rampage for decades, attempting over and over to ban this healthful substance when it was only available as ionic silver or colloidal silver which are good, but not as reliable or predictable as Nano silver because particle size varies widely and effectiveness depends on particle size.

Apparently, someone in FDA-land realized that Nano silver had been approved as safe and effective over in EPA-land and decided to do something about it. The FDA, which allows healthy infants to be experimented upon with known carcinogenic, nerve-damaging agents called “Pesticides” (as in the CHAMP “studies” in Duval County, FL) does not want anyone to have access to non-drug options for anything. In this they are the Drug Cartel’s enforcement thugs…

In fact, the health freedom headlines this week included the FDA’s recent action to seize and destroy, and/or bring criminal charges against any product/company which claimed to either prevent or treat Swine Flu, whether or not such claims were true! (See – REL) The only options the FDA says we are permitted have in order to manage the so-called “Swine Flu Pandemic,” which causes a disease which is so trivial that according to what I must believe is a rather red-faced CDC and WHO, the disease rarely causes symptoms and when it does, virtually never requires medical attention or hospitalization are listed below. (By the way, the FDA has unwittingly given us a nice list of products we should support!)

In fact, there is no conclusive evidence to make it clear that anyone at all, anywhere in the world has ever died from Swine Flu. They might -or might not – have died WITH Swine Flu, but there is nothing to suggest than anyone has died FROM Swine Flu. This just goes, by the way, to show how very primitive our understanding of the human immune system is since several efforts, including SARS and the intentionally weaponized Avian Flu virus, have been made and failed abysmally to create a working Pandemic.

See our break-though White Paper on the Right to Self-Quarantine and Self-Shielding for a review of some of the attempts we believe have been made recently to weaponize both the flu and to weaponize the flu vaccine to trigger the pandemic that WHO and CDC tell us is “inevitable.”

This time, as with SARS and the Avian Flu (the useless vaccine for which was stockpiled around the world to the tune of many billions of dollars in the US alone while Tamiflu(R) was stockpiled too and is now expiring. In fact, in the UK the shelf life of their stock of this useless and dangerous drug was extended by 1 year by an Act of Parliament so, as my grandmother would have said, “It shouldn’t be a total loss”.

The Swine Flu Pandemic, anticipated and much-hyped, did not occur, but the Pandemic Response is proceeding just as surely as if the bioengineered Swine Flu had taken off successfully and was killing huge numbers of people.

CDC and WHO made no efforts to contain the disease, saying that travel restrictions were not needed, but sneezing into your sleeve was a life-saving measure. Say what?

So our Fraud and Death Agency’s ONLY approved methods of dealing with the Swine Flu are:

1. Swine Flu vaccines which are untested, unsafe and unnecessary. They are being rushed into production and approval without testing. They contain mercury. They contain squalene, a deadly adjuvant (immune irritant) when injected. They contain other adjuvants whose identify is a “trade secret” and they contain other materials whose identify is also unknown. They are, literally, an uninsurable risk.

Yet the Secretary of Health and Human Services, FDA’s parent agency, says that we will start vaccination programs with every child in the US (there will be no exemptions – none, under the current Federal and State laws, by the way) and then “Sit back and observe. We hope there are not too many adverse events.” Of course, Secretary Sebelius does not make clear what is the number that would constitute “too many adverse events.” We at Natural Solutions say, “None!” and we know that the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association agrees with us.

2. Tamiflu and other “FDA approved drugs. Tamiflu, whose ownership includes not only Donald Rumsfeld, as is well known, but apparently every other top player in the US political world, all the way, it is said, to the White House, is a dangerous drug which has been around for quite some time looking for a reason to exist since it is a poor anti-virals with a significant toxic profile. However, it was stock piled in the billions of dollars during the failed weaponized virus pandemic event called “Avian Flu” despite the fact that it was known early on that 98% of the Avian Flu strains known were, according to the CDC, “resistant to Tamiflu”. There is no reason to think that other antivirals are either safer or more effective.

Back to Nano Silver For a Moment

In order to get safe and effective Nano silver off the market in advance of the anticipated and otherwise to-have-been-unstoppable Swine Flu Pandemic (this is our conclusion, according to our analysis: Please note that we have no documentation that the events we are discussing did, in fact, occur because of inter-agency pre-planning within the US Government, but it looks mighty suspicious to us) the EPA suddenly decided that it wanted accept a Big-Pharma inspired “citizens petition” to declare Nano silver a pesticide! Not only that, all equipment used in connection with the production of Nano silver was to be declared to be a pesticide, too.

If the illogic of that last sentence stopped you in your tracks, it means that you were awake and paying close attention because it is manifestly insane.

There was, however, so much push back (thank you, Mouse Warriors!) against this absurd and dangerous idea (dangerous to health AND to health freedom), that the matter was put off for a few years.

FDA, however, apparently realizing that its plans had been foiled, decided that it would take action and threaten every product which could provide either information in its material about how to prevent, or deal with the symptoms of the Swine Flu with either seizure and destruction (remember, FDA has special FDA Marshals equipped with dogs, guns, axes and, it would appear, the mentality of Nazi Brown Shirts) of products and factories or, if they did not submit to the FDA’s demand that they cease selling or advertising their products, criminal action against them.

Back to Agent Orange…

Monsanto is a drug, chemical and biotech company with a long and terrible history of contamination, toxic products and a wildly arrogant disregard for anything like public health or safety. The Monsanto Watch Project of the Center for Food Safety says,
“Monsanto, best know today for its agricultural biotechnology products, has a long and dirty history of polluting this country and others with some of the most toxic compounds known to humankind. From PCBs to Agent Orange to Roundup, we have many reasons to question the motives of this company that claims to be working to reduce environmental destruction and feed the world with its genetically engineered food crops….

In the 1970s, Monsanto began manufacturing the herbicide Roundup, which has been marketed as a [sic] safe, general-purpose herbicide for widespread commercial and consumer use, even though its key ingredient, glyphosate, is a highly toxic poison for animals and humans. In 1997, The New York State Attorney General took Monsanto to court and Monsanto was subsequently forced to stop claiming that Roundup is “biodegradable” and “environmentally friendly.”

Monsanto has been repeatedly fined and ruled against for, among many things, mislabeling containers of Roundup, failing to report health data to EPA, and chemical spills and improper chemical deposition. In 1995, Monsanto ranked fifth among U.S. corporations in EPA’s Toxic Release Inventory, having discharged 37 million pounds of toxic chemicals into the air, land, water and underground. “

Dioxin and DDT are similar compounds which are in the dangerous class of “chlorinated hydrocarbons”. These organic chemical consist of a pair of benzene rings, hydrogen and and four chlorine atoms. Dioxin also contains an oxygen atom. DDT and dioxin share several characteristics:

* Both DDT and dioxin are toxic in small quantities.
* Neither of them degrades in the environment — they both exist indefinitely once released.
* Both dissolve and accumulate in fat.

How toxic is Dioxin?
“The toxicity of dioxin is something that the scientific community does not seem to agree upon. Dioxin became notorious in the 1980s because of Agent Orange and several dioxin dumps (like Love Canal) discovered in the United States. You will see many, many pages on the Web (such as this one) that describe dioxin as the most toxic substance on the planet. Then you will see other references like this one from Encyclopedia Britannica:

“Toxicologists [sic] mistakenly concluded from studies on laboratory animals that TCDD (dioxin) was one of the most toxic of all man-made substances… Subsequent research, however, discounted most of these inferences, which were based on the effects of very high doses of TCDD on guinea pigs and other peculiarly susceptible animals. Among humans, the only disease definitely found related to TCDD is chloracne, which develops shortly after exposure to the chemical.”

To our analysis, dioxin is, in fact, a tremendously toxic compound which is found in significant concentrations in Roundup (c). In fact, Roundup’s principal ingredient, glyphosate, is often referred to as the second most toxic compound known in nature. If dioxin is the first, and glyphosate is the second, what are they doing on your food?

And, since dioxin is found in Roundup(c) and does not break down in nature, it certainly is in your food and your environment, your water and, sadly, your bodies. For example, dioxin contamination from 800 to 2000 times greater than permitted was recently found in Irish pork products and was traced to a feed from a feed plant there. Monsanto’s Roundup Ready (c) corn and soy are permitted in the EU for animal feed although GMO foods are banned for human consumption unless labeled clearly there.

Monsanto’s potential for damage is not limited to pesticides, of which they list 29 products approved for use in the US.

They make aspartame, having acquired the patent when they bought the Searle drug company. It is no surprise that aspartame, included in many vaccines, by the way, is viewed by Advanced Healthcare Researchers as a leading cause of MS, Lupus and other life threatening diseases, including cancer. Despite this evidence, which led the FDA to keep aspartame out of food and drink for 11 years, as soon as Donald Rumsfeld and Ronald Regan came into power, the old head of FDA was out in a flash and the first act of the next FDA head was to approve unlimited use of this toxic material.

Monsanto is the world’s leading owner of genetic patents and the world’s leading GMO seed producer. Most of their GMO seeds are modified to allow them to tolerate high doses – really, really high doses – of an herbicide called ‘Glyphosate’. According to toxicologists, exposure to Glyphosate is strongly associated with cancer, infertility, loss of pregnancies, birth defects, auto immune disorders (such as Lupus), neurological disorders and other serious adverse events up to, and including, death.

Glyphosate is marketed around the world as “Roundup” (R) and its seeds are marketed as “Roundup Ready” (R) soy, corn, potatoes, tomatoes, rice, strawberries, papaya, taro, coffee, etc. Roundup Ready(R) soy and corn are widely used as animal feed, which means that their deadly genetic materials and toxic load wind up in your cells and your baby’s if you are pregnant or feeding your children GMO foods.

Roundup (R) is an herbicide. It kills plants which have not been modified to accept it. The material which is sprayed on the plants kills agricultural workers, makes them infertile and creates a host of horrific diseases in them and their children, as well as people down wind or down river from them. In fact, as you look at your lush, bright, chemically contaminated GMO veggies and eat your 90% GMO modified diet (if you are eating prepared and conventional “food” that is) we rarely think of the fact that agricultural workers in what is sadly called “conventional agriculture” have astoundingly high cancer, infertility and birth defect rates.

Your Food, Your Weeds, Monsanto and Agent Orange.

Monsanto is facing super weeds and a marketing problem: Roundup (R) is no longer as “effective” as it used to be in killing off super weeds which have now acquired the genes from the pollen of the GMO seeds and are becoming Roundup (R) resistant. Not only that, but competitors are seeking to tear market share away from the originator of this particular poisoned plant system.

Monsanto probably pays some pretty good salaries, though, for some diabolically clever brain power. Their solution? Come up with new and improved versions of Roundup (R) which contains up to 70% Agent Orange. See:

Of course, if that does not suit, Monsanto makes 29 herbicides licensed for use in the US. All of them appear to be toxic and all of them damage both the farmers and the consumers while doing serious, perhaps irreparable damage to the environment.

So while the FDA is busy banning and seizing those compounds which allow us to protect ourselves from the dangers of bio engineered or natural biological threats to our well being, they are simultaneously turning a blind eye to the contamination of our food, our world – and of us – by allowing the use of mixtures of compounds which are arguably the most dangerous non-radioactive toxic chemicals in the world. They turn a blind eye to the studies which show their dangers, but turn a very sharp and acute eye to the substances and information which give us choice and power to protect ourselves.

Working with EPA, EPA and USDA, they are clearly making their corporate friends, sponsors and benefactors very, very happy at the cost of what?

Birth Defects
Pulmonary Disorders
Urological Disorders
Still Born Babies
Life Threatening Skin Disorders
Immune System Suppression and Damage

OK. Back to the Swine Flu…

You can see from the partial list of the impact of damage caused by Agent Orange that the immune system is hit hard by exposure to it. So are the chromosomes (or you would not get birth defects and deformities. So allowing Roundup(C), which scientific studies show cause many of the same diseases and conditions, including infertility and birth defects AND causes significant damage to the environment (including massive damage to amphibians like frogs), we see that putting them together is a very, very good idea if your intention is to make sure that you have a very large, and very sick population. Couple that with the farm laws now being pushed through Congress which will institutionalize what has been informal before, the total degredation of the the US food supply and the criminalization, yes, criminalization of food production which does not conform to Codex requirements, even in your own back yard, and you see the link.
Now add a vaccine which has no real reason for existing except to make legally immune Big Pharma healthy, coffer-wise, and the rest of us sick, body-wise. Take away our natural remedies, which the FDA has been trying to do for years, leave us with only the dangerous Pig in a Poke, Swine Flu vaccine (by the way, click here,, to see my Rap video of the same name) and a dangerous drug option and you have a perfect recipe for disaster.

“Let the Culling Begin!”
There is, in short, no medical, logical reason for the Swine Flu vaccine, which will be made mandatory, if the WHO, CDC and White House are to be believed. There is no medical, logical reason for the Level 6 Swine Flu Pandemic Emergency which was declared by Dr. Chen of the WHO on July 11, 2009.

Unless, of course, you want to kill a whole lot of people with a weaponized vaccine. There is no medical, logical reason to begin the vaccination program on our most profound treasure, our children, and “HOPE there are not too many adverse reactions.” HOPE? Hope there are not too many adverse reactions, or hope that there are? What is the real meaning of that astonishing statement?

If there is no intention to let the culling begin, why else include provisions in BioShield, Patriot Acts I, II and III, and bull through the Emergency Medical Powers Acts in virtually every state giving both the Federal Government and the States the “right” to quarantine you indefinitely if you refuse the vaccine or drug offered to you in a Pandemic State? If that does not seem like a good idea to you, then click here,, to demand your right to self-quarantine if vaccinations or involuntary incarceration is orders, as it well may be as soon as the first commercially available flu vaccine is ready. You can also click here,, to read our informative White Paper on Self Quarantine and THEN take the action step and forward it to everyone you know to ask them to do the same.

If no culling is anticipated, why else expend billions of dollars ($7.65B approved by the House of Representatives for Swine Flu vaccines and drugs last week alone) on a wildly dangerous, untested, unnecessary vaccine for a disease which WHO Director Chan admits causes no symptoms and requires no treatment? And why rush through legislation which industrializes the food supply of an entire country to the lowest agricultural, anti-health denominator? Well, perhaps because the World Health Organization says that to maintain a sustainable planet, we need to reduce the population by 90%. And perhaps, in your mind, you’re it.
And perhaps because the doctrine that depopulation must be the first priority of the United States Government’s Foreign Policy articulated so chillingly in NSA Memorandum 200 by Henry Kissinger in 1974 was adopted by the US Government but has never been repudiated?
And perhaps because the UN’s plans for long-term sustainability call for the same thing? Could that be?
Well, if not, please write to me at and tell me what else explains it.

It is time for us to take action to make sure that our food stays clean and stays in our control if we wish it to be there, that our health is not attacked by the cullers who see us as “Useless Eaters” who are consuming “their” non-renewable natural resources and that our freedom to chart our own health course is unimpeded by genocidal monsters or idiots.

Stay active, disseminate widely and stay free!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Valley of the Moon(TM) Eco Demonstration Project, Panama

The article can be found at: